Basic Skydive Course

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Adventurist Skydive Taiping
From: RM0
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2 Day 1 Night


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Group Size

1 person


Bahasa Malaysia, English

About this activity

Basic Skydive Course / Static Line Jump course is a traditional method of skydiving training used to introduce beginners to the sport of skydiving. In a static line jump, the parachute is deployed automatically by a “static line” attached to the aircraft as the student exits the plane. This method allows the parachute to open shortly after leaving the aircraft, providing a controlled and stable descent for the student.

Here’s how our typical Basic Skydive Course / Static Line Jump course works:

Ground Training: The course usually begins with comprehensive ground training. Instructors will cover the basics of skydiving, safety procedures, body positioning during the jump, emergency protocols, and canopy control.

Equipment Familiarization: Students will learn about the skydiving gear they will be using, including the main parachute, reserve parachute, and other safety equipment.

Aircraft Exit Training: Students will practice the correct exit technique from the aircraft, which may involve mock exits on the ground or from a mock-up plane.

Actual Jump: Once the ground training is complete, students are ready for their first static line jump. The student wears a parachute system that is connected to the aircraft by a static line. As they exit the aircraft, the static line automatically deploys the main parachute.

Parachute Descent: After the parachute is deployed, the student descends under the canopy. They will receive radio instructions from instructors on the ground to guide them during their descent.

Landing: The student will perform a controlled landing, guided by radio instructions if needed.

Basic Skydive Course are structured as 2 series of jumps, gradually building the student’s confidence and skills. After successfully completing the 2 jumps and demonstrating proficiency, students may progress to do more fun jumps/training jumps.

Basic Skydive Course are a safe and reliable way to introduce individuals to the sport of skydiving and provide a foundation for further progression in the sport. However, it’s essential to follow all safety guidelines and instructions provided by the instructors to ensure a positive and safe learning experience.


  • Basic Skydive Course will be conducted for 3 Days & 2 Night in Tekah Airstrip, Taiping. Upon course completion, participant will be received a Certificate of Participation.
  • You will learn : 1. Theory Class 2. Ground Handling 3. Jump at 3,500-4,000 feet


  • 2 X Jump
  • T-shirt
  • Ground course
  • Jump equipment
  • 1 year extreme sports insurance
  • Lifetime registration
  • Annual membership
  • Training note
  • Jump Log Book
  • Transportation to Tekah Airstrip, Taiping
  • Other personal expenses


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Multi day


Bahasa Malaysia

Frequently asked questions

Basic skydive course is an introductory training program designed to teach individuals the fundamental skills and knowledge required for making solo skydives. It provides essential information about skydiving equipment, safety procedures, body positioning, canopy control, and emergency protocols

The duration of a basic skydive course can vary depending on the specific program and the individual’s progress. Typically, it consists of both ground training and practical jumps. The ground training portion may last a day or two, covering topics like safety protocols, equipment usage, and body positioning. The actual jumps are usually conducted over a series of 2 jumps, allowing students to gradually build their skills and confidence.

Generally, no prior experience or qualifications are necessary to enroll in a basic skydive course. These courses are specifically designed for beginners with little to no skydiving background.

The minimum age requirement for a basic skydive course varies by country and skydiving organization. In Malaysia, individuals must be at least 18 years old to participate in solo skydiving.

A basic skydive course focuses on teaching essential skills to ensure a safe and successful skydive. These skills typically include: Body positioning during freefall: Learning how to maintain a stable body position helps control movement and stability while in freefall. Parachute deployment and canopy control: Students are taught how to deploy the parachute and handle the canopy effectively, including steering, turns, and landing techniques. Emergency procedures: Training covers emergency scenarios, such as canopy malfunctions or equipment failures, and teaches students how to respond appropriately in these situations. Safety protocols: Students learn about the safety measures and protocols to follow before, during, and after a skydive, including aircraft procedures, equipment checks, and landing area awareness.

Upon completing a basic skydive course, you will typically receive a certification that allows you to make solo skydives. However, it’s important to note that you will still be considered a novice skydiver, and additional jumps and experience are necessary to develop your skills and progress further. Most skydiving organizations and drop zones have guidelines and requirements for novice jumpers, such as a certain number of supervised jumps before full autonomy is granted.

After completing Basic Skydive Course / Static Line Jump course, you’ll have taken the first step towards becoming a licensed skydiver. The Static Line Jump course is a traditional method of skydiving training where your parachute is deployed automatically as you leave the aircraft, and it is usually followed by a progression of fun jumps/training jumps. The next steps typically involve continuing with more advanced training programs that focus on developing your skills and experience as a skydiver. Some common progression paths after completing the course include: Accelerated Freefall (AFF) Course: This is an intensive training program where you jump with two instructors who hold onto you during the initial jumps, providing in-air guidance. You’ll learn more advanced freefall skills, such as stable body position and controlled turns.

Activity's Location

Adventurist Skydive Taiping


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